Autor Tópico: [Review]ElectronHelper for mac  (Lida 2388 vezes)

Offline masterhard

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[Review]ElectronHelper for mac
« em: Maio 10, 2008, 11:56:20 pm »
electronhelper for mac e um pequeno programinha para calculo das resistencias atraves das cores ou dos valores
e muito util para o amador como para o profissional, aconselho a usar, e muito mais pratico do que ir aqueles que existem online, que obrigam a ter ligacao a internet, este software funciona em todas as versoes de mac osx, ate ao leopard.

Electronhelper was made for the electronic hobbiest. It\\'s a calculator and a reference tool all in one. Resistor will determine the value of an electronic resistor and Ohm\\'s Law is a Ohm\\'s Law calculator. Very useful for those little electronic projects.


fonte: macupdate
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[Review]ElectronHelper for mac
« Responder #1 em: Maio 11, 2008, 12:09:37 am »

Offline masterhard

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[Review]ElectronHelper for mac
« Responder #2 em: Maio 11, 2008, 12:29:42 am »
tambem e uma alternativa, o objectivo deste programa e por exemplo eu ter o meu ibook, e por ventura ir para uma cave onde nao ha net, entao uso de forma "offline" uma calculadora de resistencias
Se o mundo te virar costas, nao vires costas ao mundo, vai-lhe ao cu!
Se a Muralha da China pegasse fogo, seria a maior firewall do Mundo!
blacksheep-----fake hosting services since 1$ only for fake businessman----sponsored by ASAE
Oferecemos Cursos de Coveiro WebTuga --> O primeiro em Portugal com MBA da Independente incorporado
"Well, I guess it would be nice if I could touch your body" --George Michael\'s \'Faith\'
Sing these words in a recording studio, and you win Album of the Year. Say them in a public bathroom, and you get busted.
The basic difference is this: hackers build things, crackers break them.
O novo Windows será o Se7en. Será uma sequela do famoso filme de terror Se7en?
Sponsored by InTeRnEt SeRiOuS BuSiNeSs and MiCrOsOfT SeRiOuS BuSiNeSs!
MCSE -> Minesweeper Consultant and Solitaire Expert
VISTA -> Virus Infection and Spyware Transmission Architecture

Offline Foskasse

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[Review]ElectronHelper for mac
« Responder #3 em: Maio 11, 2008, 12:56:49 am »
Alias esse programa é baseado no criador daquele site que referi!!
                GRAPHICAL RESISTANCE CALCULATOR in Javascript
                                Version 2.1
                    by Danny Goodman (
                    Analyzed and described at length in
                            "Javascript Bible"
    This program is Copyright 1996, 2001 by Danny Goodman.  You may adapt
    this calculator for your Web pages, provided these opening credit
    lines (down to the lower dividing line) are in your outliner HTML document.
    You may not reprint or redistribute this code without permission from
    the author.


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